Felicity Nicole

I am Felicity Nicole creator and owner of She Is You, a brand for midlife women that are seeking to rediscover who they are. I am an author, speaker, mentor and mother to a 14yr old son, and 3 fur babies. In my downtime I can be found, outside in my garden with my dogs soaking up the sunshine.

  • Embracing the journey: Relationships in your 40s and 50s

    How to discover a new system of Connection, Friendship, and Love As we enter our 40s and 50s, the landscape of relationships undergoes a remarkable transformation. Both men and women are reevaluating their priorities, embracing personal growth, and recognizing the importance of deep connections. No longer content with settling for just anyone, individuals in this […]

  • The path to transformation can be an adventure

    As women enter their midlife, they often find themselves at a crossroads, feeling like they’ve lost their sense of purpose and direction. The good news is that it’s always possible to reinvent yourself and start living the life you’ve always wanted. Here are three steps to transform your life as a midlife woman. The first […]

  • How to achieve true emotional freedom

    Oh, the heartache Sister, I have been there on more than one occasion and thoroughly understand what you are going through. It can be difficult to let go of something that someone did to us and forgive them. However, to move past the situation, you must forgive — so let’s tap into what forgiveness is.  […]

  • The challenges Gen Xers face with wealth building

    My, oh my — what has the world come to? I never would have imagined we would experience so much history right in front of our faces! The roller coaster ride of the last three to four years has been so emotionally and physically exhausting, not to mention our wallets, retirement, and paychecks all have […]

  • How to cope with emotional abandonment in your marriage

    Hello God, it’s Margeret.  I can’t count on my hands the number of times my husband has dismissed my feelings and changed the subject. Hello, is anybody listening to my cries? At first, I couldn’t fully comprehend what he was doing; however, as time passed in our relationship, I realized that my husband’s emotional abandonment […]

  • Why 2023 is the year for women in the workforce

    Do you want to know why women are leading the workforce? Since the fall of COVID, we have seen unemployment rates go up, down, up, and sideways, but what remains stable is that women are forging their way into continued education to further their careers — and that’s why 2023 just may be the year […]

  • Breathing in spring renewal

    Did you know lots of us set our New Year’s resolutions in spring? There is a new culture of understanding that setting New Year’s resolutions in a season of death or dormancy doesn’t resonate with us anymore. Instead we are allowing the winter season to do its thing and breathe in Spring as the season […]

  • How to seek comfort during times of uncertainty

    Who here is a Gen Xer who remembers Mister Rogers and loved him?! I can recall the comfort from watching Mister Rogers on PBS and listening to his soft, compassionate tone telling each and every one of us to seek the helpers during a time of crisis. Hello!  We are in a period of uncertainty […]

  • Is your journey a rocky one? This could be why

    Has your journey in this lifetime been hard, heartbreaking, or almost impossible? I completely hear and understand you. Here’s a perspective on why this lifetime has been hard. The story of Sisyphus I am a lover of Greek mythology and it’s sad to say I can relate to my man, Sisyphus. The story for those […]