Meet Felicity

I’m Felicity, a two-time International Best Selling Author, Mentor, Speaker, and Editor-in-Chief of my very own magazine publication, She Is You


"We can go fast alone, but if you want to go far, go together."

– African Proverb

The sacredness of sisterhood has existed for centuries. My idea to merge
sacred traditions with current women’s issues has brought to life the
Sisterhood of Midlife Warriors. When women in their 40s and 50s can create a
tribe of safe women to accompany one another during their individual seasons
of womanhood, it is significant for the growth of all women.

Get to Know Me

I love hunkering down with my family, being outside as much as possible, and gardening.  Gardening is my favorite form of therapy!

I love reading autobiographies. I find people’s stories so intriguing. 

In my down time, I love to connect with my local community of healers. I feel that it is one of my callings from God to help others through a few different modalities. Healing is like peeling an onion; we keep peeling layer after layer away until we get to the core.


She Is You was built from the very pages of my own journey of healing, self-discovery, and rejuvenation.

I knew deep in my heart I was meant for something much greater than what I was experiencing in life. With a little bit of blind faith, hard work, and determination, I made a promise to both God and myself that I would one day become the woman I was meant to be. Now I help other women do the same.

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